Main Office & Security Staff
Guest Arrival Procedures
For the safety and security of our students and employees, unless it is an emergency, please make an appointment for a meeting at least 24 hours in advance. We will no longer admit parents and guardians on a walk-in basis.
When you arrive at SBS, you will need to sign in to our LobbyGuard Machine using your license in the Main Entrance Vestibule.
- Once you receive your LobbyGuard Badge, you will then be able to enter the building.
- Please proceed to the Hall Monitor or the Main Office only.
Late Arrival/Drop Off of a Student
- Please ring the bell outside and enter the vestibule with your student(s).
- Student(s) must also sign in at the LobbyGuard as “Student” by entering his/her first and last name.
- The LobbyGuard will issue the student(s) a hall pass for their teacher.
- Parent(s) will then sign the Student Tardy Sheet on the counter in the vestibule with the date, time, student’s full name, your relationship to the student(s), and reason for being late.
- Ring the bell by the window.
- Student(s) will enter into the Main Entrance Lobby and proceed to their class with the LobbyGuard hall pass for their teacher.
- Parent(s) do not need to sign into the LobbyGuard as they will not be entering the building.
Early Pick Up of a Student
- Please ring the bell outside the Main Entrance, state who you are picking up and enter the vestibule.
- Parent(s) will record the following information in the Student Sign In/Sign Out Log on the counter including:
- the date
- student(s) full name
- the time of pick up/dismissal
- your name and relationship to the student(s)
- reason for leaving
- please wait in the vestibule for your student(s) to be dismissed
- Our Hall Monitor or office staff will let student(s) into the vestibule for pick up.